66 research outputs found

    Theories, models and challenges of intelligence in the support of national security

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    Many factors worldwide express interest in using intelligence or intelligence operations in realization of their interests. Intelligence practice is practiced by collective security systems, state and non-state elements, private agencies, business corporations, formal and informal armed groups, criminal and terrorist organizations and others. All of them implement different models and procedures of intelligence in support of their activities. The measures and activities of intelligence are not a simple matter. They represent a complex and orderly matter of covered procedures, behaviors, prevention, combating illegal activities and building policy of implementation of national security

    Suicide terrorism-threat for national security of modern democratic states

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    One of the biggest challenges in the XXI century is the struggle against terrorism. Terrorism is designed to cause fear, panic, and publicity among the masses in order to achieve its goals. The emergence of suicide terrorism is characteristic for terrorist attacks in the early XXI century. If you take the large number of terrorist attacks carried out by suicide bombers, massive human casualties, and material damage, it is clear that suicide terrorism in one of the biggest threats for national security of countries. Suicide terrorism escalates in many fields in which war activities were taken or in the countries with weak political government. However, the last terrorist attacks in France and Belgium show that terrorist organizations are ready to use suicide terrorism as an efficient tool to achieve their geopolitical and economic aims. In this paper, the main hypothesis is based on the fact that suicide terrorism, as a global phenomenon causing great number of human casualties, in the absence of a strategy for its neutralization in modern democratic states, is an essential tool for achieving the objectives of global religious militant organizations

    Crisis management and international cooperation from the perspective of a small country

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    Large scale crises, e.g. natural disasters, technological accidents, terrorist attacks, or massive migration of population from one region to another, can influence many countries simultaneously as they may occur in or involve multinational regions. The international support and cooperation is also of vital importance when an affected country cannot deal with the challenges. International cooperation and support have to be increased and set up in a manner to provide support and mutual benefits to all affected countries. In our analysis. In our analysis we start from the position that the small countries with limited resources depends of international support. In the beginning we give a short description of the Crisis management and international cooperation and the challenges which the contemporary models of the crises management are facing. We list some of the countries affected with current migration crises and their legislative in terms of standards, procedures, decision making. Finally, through the established models of crises management and international cooperation, we attempt drawing a conclusion and suggestions of a cooperation and proceedings which will lead to increased effectiveness and cooperation coordination considering social, ethical and legal aspects

    The Militant Ideology as a Center of Gravity of the Religious Militant Organizations

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    Latest developments suggest that we need to reevaluate the strategy for combating terrorism. To advise appropriate policies, one needs to identify the enemy’s center of gravity. This paper argues that if we want to truly understand the threat from religious militant organizations, we need to identify the causes that generate such militant ideology. The problem with the modern terrorism is conceived in the 1980s, but the reasons that led to it have its roots decades earlier. Crucial part of the equation is the role of the Western democracies and their influences in the Muslim world. This paper proposes a cross examination of three historical periods with three possible explanations that feeds the militant ideology

    Application of a hybrid system for early detection of forest fire

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    If water is the bloodstream of life, air - lungs, soil - food, then forests are undoubtedly life. Forests play a key role in the quality of life on earth as they make up the bulk of renewable natural resources, as well as providing ecosystem goods and services. Forests serve as the primary source of many non-timber and timber products and play an important role in sustaining human life on earth by maintaining adequate environmental conditions. Forest fires occur i.e., manifest in forests and on forest land. From all causes of forest damage, of abiotic nature (extreme temperatures - droughts and frosts, snow, hail, wind, torrential rains, acid rain, etc.) and biotic nature (humans, insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.), forest fires are the greatest threat for forests and natural ecosystems as a whole. Aided by the wind, they spread with great speed, especially in the coniferous forests and in a very short time leave desolation behind. The subject of the research are the different types of systems for early detection of forest fires, according to the applied technical solutions in other countries, the configuration of the land in the Republic of North Macedonia and the comparative analysis of different systems, we consider the most appropriate to use a hybrid system consisted of video camera networks and wireless sensor networks that would complement video surveillance of those parts of the forest that are not in the field of view of the cameras. Implementing this or a similar model in the Republic of North Macedonia would have multiple ben

    Supporting Critical Business Functions by using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

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    The increasing trend for global information exchange amongst employer, employees, and business partners increased threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive business data. That requires developing methods which will provide increased information security for the company’s critical business functions. The question is: how to prove identity in the online world? As personal ID cards prove identity in the offline world, one of the ways to prove identity in the online world is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Establishing of secure PKI helps companies to provide basic security controls to the critical business functions. The paper is intended to cover the aspects of establishing PKI and should be viewed as а study which highlights the effective information security controls over sensitive information

    Learning and motivation

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    Abstract: Everything in our lives is underlined with some sort of motivation. This includes our students and their motivation to learn. Motivation is essential for learning and represent a driving force for students to complete their tasks and to build their knowledge. There are many factors which could potentially influence motivation, which makes research on this topic as it relates to learning diverse and abundant. However, motivational considerations can be summed up as being either task or ego-oriented. For facilitating task-oriented learning is recommend that teachers evaluate student performance based on an absolute scale rather than on a scale that compares student performance against each other, emphasize student participation and self-improvement in learning and incorporate test questions that require explanations and justifications rather than memorized material. Students are motivated by knowing that what they are learning has a greater purpose. They want to know that what they learn in the classroom has relevance and significance to their daily lives. Students who are motivated conduct themselves in ways that maximize learning and success in academic environment. Motivated students attend classes on a regular basis without a need for external rewards, they seek additional help when is needed and they turn in quality work on time. On the other hand, unmotivated students minimize the effort they exert, which result in continued poor performance. Based on this concept, students are motivated to learn if they perceive having adequate support from their social environment and their master skills have positive social effect in real life. Students feel this sense of belonging if they believe their teachers are supportive of social aspects in the classroom, such as promoting interaction and respect among students. The purpose of this paper is to review research conducted on student motivation on learning and in the process to identify teaching methods which are motivating students to learn

    Сајбер тероризмот - закана за системите за поддршка на процесот на планирање на современите операции

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    Информациско – комуникациската технологија (eng.Information Communication Technology (ICT)) со одредени компјутерски алатки нуди исклучителна поддршка во процесот на планирање и донесување на одлуки. Оваа технологија за поддршка при планирање и донесување на одлука станува се позастапена и истата се вклучува во поголемиот дел од фазите во процесот на планирање и донесување на воена одлука. Се поголемото инволвирање на компјутерските системи во бизнис процесите, а во нашиот случај планирање и процес на донесување одлука , ќе придонесе создавање на зависност од ICT , со што и тероризмот преку сајбер-просторот може да стане сериозна закана

    A signs of Islamic State’s terrorism reach and influence among different groups

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    In this paper are showed the Islamic State adherents group’s which they are recognized since 2014, those groups have recognized the Islamic State caliphate and pledged loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 1 . Groups in Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, and Nigeria have used the Arabic word „wilayah” (state/province) to describe themselves as constituent members of a broader IS-led caliphate. The implications of such pledges of loyalty to the Islamic State on groups’ objectives, tactics, and leadership structures appear to vary and may evolve. Тhose terrorist groups, followers of IS, use violent protests, assassinations, terrorist attacks in public places, air traffic, etc. to undermine the integrity of the countries where they operate and to overthrow legitimate governments. There are also isolated cases that seem to do the same thing, but they are again encouraged and driven by the ideology of IS

    Knowledge of vulnerable groups from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Spain related to protection and rescue - fundament for build stronger community resilience

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    The purpose of this paper is to discover the level of knowledge that vulnerable groups such as children, youth, as well as persons (students) with special needs, from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Spain have in relation to the protection and rescue system and their needs for training improvement. Taking in consideration that very often that vulnerable groups, are neglected in every stage of the disaster risk management, motivated us to conduct this research and to contribute to building stronger and inclusive community resilience. In this research we used quantitative research method (questionnaire) answered by vulnerable groups, separately in each of these countries. In our research we respected gender equality and we have almost the same distribution of female and male respondents. Questionnaire consisted of 19 questions, 3 of them were open-ended, other 16 close ended. The first 6 questions were in line with the general information about the participants, other refer to the 5 specific areas of our research. Conclusion from the research is that most of the participants are not familiar with the possible ways to give alerts for the dangers, the instructions for protection, rescue, assistance, and they need training about possible ways to report and warn about dangers, give instructions on protection, rescue, and assistance